The Battle between Good and Evil

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Good and Evil are consequences of actions - both within and without ourselves - that are particular to us as a cognitive system.

Things that aren't cognitive, like pebbles and planets, have only the outer world and they are one with it. Whatever happens in the world is of no significance to these things, although they do interact with it. For example, if a pebble happens to fall into a pool of water, the water is displaced and an amount of energy is transferred. If a galaxy collides with another, events of cataclysmic proportions take place but the universe as a whole is silent, making its solid steady tone.

Even noncogitive living systems, like plants and simple creatures, can only react to their environment without putting any thought into it. They react to their environment in an effort to survive, and sometimes even seem to plan for a future goal. But in reality, they are simply using reflex and habit to act in ways that they have programmed from years of repetition. Some of these habits are formed within their lives, others were passed to them from their parents and generations before them. They influence their environment and interact with it, but their inner world is limited to habit.

We, as cognitive systems, have an active inner world. We are able to develop ideas about our environment, and about ourselves. We are able to learn using thoughts about our environment. We can check our conclusions against the world around us.

We have the ability to interact with our world by habit and reflex, like our noncognitive partners. But we are also able to develop new ideas and to build new habits completely without the benefit of response from our environment. This is both a blessing and a curse.

This is why we alone are able to experience "good" consequences and "bad" consequences. This is why we alone experience Good and Evil.

We have a responsibility, to ourselves and to each other, to recognize the difference. The consequence of failing to recognize the difference is that our lives will be less productive. We will be in Hell.

The definition of Hell is the spiritual state of being disconnected from God. Hell is the place our soul is when we are unable to accept the Will of God. In this bad place we continually receive bad consequences for our bad choices. We are free to leave at any time. It is never God that has decided to place us in Hell, it is always we who have chosen to be there.

The definition of Evil is bad choices - Errors or Sins. Evil is merely a mistake. It is not so important whether we meant to make the mistake or not - the consequences of the error are the same. If we make a mistake by choice, we have actually committed two sins: The action of the sin is one and the conscious decision to do it is the other.

But no matter whether the error is intentional or not, and no matter if it is an error of omission or commission, there will be consequences. When you cut your hand, it bleeds. A myriad of things have happened here, both good and evil. First, the action which caused the cut, a mistake on someone's part. This is evil. There is good in that your body has natural coagulants which begin to clot the blood and start the good process of healing. And you may have learned a good lesson which might prevent you from making the same mistake and cutting your hand again. So this simple bad action has several potentially good and bad consequences.

There is also the possibility that for some reason, you choose to place yourself in a position that will likely cause you to be hurt over and over again. Now then, there is more evil is in this scenario. Since you failed to recognize the potential for evil and since you failed to recognize your mistake, that was the first error. You keep doing it over and over again. This is evil. You also have all the direct consequences of mutilating yourself. And your reputation may be marred because who can trust a fool who repeatedly makes the same mistake. It would be an error on their part to trust you. A mistake. Evil.

This is a small and seemingly insignificant example of good and evil. There are obviously much bigger events to display both properties. But all actions have consequences that can be perceived as good or evil to us as cognitive systems.

To cut your hand and to pray to God that it be immediately healed is to insult God. It would be to selfishly ask God to break other physical laws so that you might avoid consequences. Instead, expect that God will heal you in His time, using His laws. God didn't become this universe with physical and spiritual laws just to warp them so that one individual can fail to learn their lessons.

But whether you insult God in this way or not, it does not matter to God. It is an error on your part. God will not be affected by your inappropriate prayer; It simply will not have any consequence. You will not gain anything by it and believing that you might will only serve to delay appropriate action. The consequence to you for this error is that you remain in sin until you see the error of your ways and discontinue the futile practice.

It is important to realize why God cannot be affected by evil. God is a Seamless Whole. An interconnection of all things. To God, all things work and all things are well. The paths that all things take are unimportant to God, and the paths are a part of the Seamless Whole anyway.

But to each of us, and to all of us - Tiamat - there is a conflict that presents itself. What are the consequences of our actions? Will we survive? Even if we do, will we survive as healthy souls or will we chose Hell? Only to survive as healthy souls will result in our individual or collective happiness. This is pleasant to God.

You must choose the side of good or you will live in Hell and eventually be terminated as a nonviable spiritual fetus. It is simply a consequence of actions. It is a law of God, and He does not break His own laws.

Eventually, if we are spiritually unfit and unhappy, we will destroy ourselves. There is no place in the Seamless Whole for things that do not work. Our existence as a cognitive system would be terminated and we would exist only as molecules. We would be destroyed. This is not pleasant to God.

But either way, God is complete. God is Whole. Only in Tiamat, and in ourselves, is there a Battle of Good and Evil. It is within our soul. We must choose the side of good. Tiamat - the collective soul - must find acceptance of God's Will. Or we will be destroyed.

There really is no struggle.

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